Best resolution for logo?

If any logo is for printing then always we need to think about printers’ choice. They mostly prefer the logo to be at least 300 DPI (dots per inch). It is for highresolution prints. Even for any images also they look at the same high resolution. 

In order to check an image or logo’s resolution,  if you designing software photoshop or illustrator then it is quite easy to check the resolution. But again you can also check on a Windows PC. Select the file you want to use. Right-click on the image and then select “Properties.”  The high-resolution logo may cost high as well

Below are the steps for windows-

First Click at “Start”. It will open the “Start” menu in the left corner of the screen. Then the second step is to click at “Computer” in the “Start” menu to open Windows Explorer. Then the 3rd step is to browse your computer using Windows Explorer to the folder that contains an image file. Click at properties, and then details.

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