You may one who is looking for FREE LOGO MAKING Tools.
We have seen many clients who often try to use online free logo makers and some might be experts in Adobe Illustrator. We want to educate you, how you make your own logo, indeed, if you are 100% satisfied.
Logo design is a very important part of branding, this is a part that makes a brand recognizable by a simple icon or a simple font. A unique, attractive, meaningful logo values a lot for any company. Logo is the visual presentation of branding , that means logo talks about the company’s goal and services. A logo may consist of an icon , the company name and its tagline. A logo may be a mascot too. A logo can be just the initials of full company name. Whatever the logo consists of, it should be meaningful to general people.
We are thinking to provide a series of logo design tutorial so that you got some idea about different type of logo as well as how a logo built.
Today we will make a logo with a simple circle. Though it’s a simple circle but seeing every steps and the final logo (you can see the last image of that blog) , you will know many things today. Today we will make a fish shape first as we are aiming to companies that dealt with fishing related item or direct fishes. Lets get started.
Logo Maker Online Tools
Step 1
Need Adobe Illustrator, online software, to make your own logo. It’s a logo making tool…
Open Adobe Illustrator. It is the popular software to design the logo. You can get the software from
Step 2
Need to start by taking a new file
Then take a new document. Generally, for a logo you can take 1000*1000px artboard. And can keep the color mode in RGB if you are going to use that logo only on your website but remember if you are going to print your logo then the color mode should be in CMYK.
Step 3
Here you go…….
we tried three orientation for the same logo so that my client can select the one he like most.